Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 week, 2 day ultrasound

Because of some continued concerns, we had an additional ultrasound done at 10 weeks, 2 days. During the visit, not only were we able to verify a heart beat, but could actually see Rice Cake move his/her arms, legs and head! Above you can see the head on the right, body at the bottom and the white mark near the head is actually Rice Cakes arm and the left dot is the foot. Rice Cake measured at 9 mm at this visit, right on target for his/her age.

9 week ultrasound

At the 9 week appointment, Adam and I were able to see Rice Cake and the heartbeat. Above you can see the head on the upper right, body through the middle and leg buds to the left.

5 week ultrasound

Because of some early concerns, we had an ultrasound done at 5 weeks. Although you can't see much, there is a little white blob in the middle of the sac...that's baby Weiner, who was dubbed the name Rice Cake by Uncle Tom based on the fact the baby looks like a tiny grain or rice.