Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Charlie's Cackle...or is it a goat impression???

The kid makes the funniest noises. While he's sleeping, he makes this noise occasionally and it makes Adam and I laugh every time! Hit play and check it out (sorry the video's sideways)...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Month Old!!

I cannot believe our little dude is one month old!!! We went to the doctor last Thursday and he weighed in at 8 lbs on the nose! Things are going very well. Charlie is a healthy eater and he's becoming more alert...studying his surroundings and working hard to get his thumb in his mouth. Adam and I are on the learning to live with less sleep, but it's worth it.

The Milk Goatee

Somebody was hungry!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Random pictures of Charlie during his first month

We are all settling in well...slowly but well. Charlie is growing like a weed!


Grandma Kristina came to visit for lunch. We tried out his new shades...a little big but you have to admit...he does look cool ; )

Waking up from a nap on mommy:

Another nap on mommy:
Stanley is really enjoying himself with Charlie as well as Charlie's belongings:

Napping in his papasan:

Chilling on his activity mat:

Looking around on daddy's lap: