Sunday, March 29, 2009

22 week belly pic

We just had our monthly visit to the OB and all is well. Dr. T confirmed that everything looked great on the ultrasound and RC's heart beat was steady at 140 and sounded great!

I'm getting kicked on a regular basis now. RC now weights about 1 lb. and should be about 11 inches long...18 weeks to go!

Our next update will be at the end of April after our next dr. visit!

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a.......

I'm not telling!!! Not yet, anyway. The ultrasound appointment went great! My placenta previa is gone. RC weighs in at a whopping 11 oz. and is in the 75th percentile. The heart chambers, spine, brain and head all look great! The heartrate was 146 bpm and he/she was moving all over the place. We got to see RC with his/her legs crossed by the ankles and hands behind the head like he/she was just chillin in a hammock after a hard day of work. Kicking me the way he/she has been lately must be hard work!

Above you can see RC's profile with the head on the left, the midsection in the center, the umbelical cord on the right protruding from the abdomen, then it disappears into the abyss and reappears as the blob at the top of the screen.

Scary looking 4-D picture of RC. You can see the eyes fused, the nose, mouth and chin. The ultrasound tech warned me that the pic wouldn't be that pretty this early because they don't have much fat on them yet making them scary and skeleton-like in appearance. Glad she warned me or I would have freaked!

RC's foot. The ultrasound tech was able to count all fingers and toes!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

18 week update

Rice Cake has been moving quite a bit! Everyday at 4:30pm and 8pm Adam and I can almost guarantee an acrobatic performance.

We had our monthly OB appt on Thursday and doc says mom and baby are very healthy. Rice Cake (now the size of a large green pepper measuring about 5.5 inches) had a heartbeat of 140 bpm. Every time Dr. T found the heartbeat, RC would move and make her chase him/her. Finally we were able to corner the little bugger to listen and RC started kicking me while we were listening. It was definitely a fun visit.

Our next update will be in two weeks after our ultrasound (on 3/12). Until then...